Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Hello to everyone how are you doing???

Hello How is everyone?? I can't wait till 4:00 in the afternoon today because then I have no more school for a long time. From,Esme PS I can't wait till some one posts a comment.


Meghan said...

Hey Esme,
Looking forward to the end of school huh? I hope you didn't cheer as you ran out the door, think of your teacher's feelings! Did you have any kind of holiday party?

What are you going to do with all this time for Christmas break?

Take care!

Esme said...

Dear meghan no I did not go screeming out the door I had to cover my ears because of people screeming. Love. Esme

Brian C. Kenney said...

So much screaming, but not from Esme! It's nice to have a break, though. I can't ever remember screaming, but I felt like it sometimes!
Look forward to seeing you soon!

Esme said...

Hello brian yes ther was a hole lot of screaming. Love, Esme

mama said...

I bet you screamed just a little. Knowing you, you plan to work on your spelling over the break.Love, Mama

Esme said...

Dear Mama
In the auditorium yes I screemed but not when the bell rang. Love, Esme